REPLICA GOLDEN TICKET – AUTOGRAPHED BY FOUR. Curtis, did you hear me? It’s your husband’s life or your case of Wonka bars. How long will they give me to think it over? Everyone wants this replica Golden Ticket measuring 6 1/2″ X 3 1/2″. Grab this ticket, run straight home and don’t stop till you get there! Material: Mylar, gold on the reverse. Signed in blue Sharpie by. Peter Ostrum – Charlie Bucket. Paris Themmen – Mike Teevee. Julie Dawn Cole – Veruca Salt. Michael Boellner – Augustus Gloop. · Certificate of authenticity (signed by me, with holograph). · 8 X 10 autographed photo of me as Mike Teevee. Please see my other auctions with items signed by Wonka kids. Or come to see me on the web at Wonkashop! Here is me in an authentication video..